Keys To Financial Blessings

God has good plans for you! He not only desires to meet your needs, but to prosper you—to cause you to succeed and be blessed! In order to walk in these blessings, we must follow God’s financial plan and handle our money wisely. In this message, Lisa shares important...

God Desires to Bless You

In part 1 of this new series, Dream Big for Your Finances, Lisa shares on how to enlarge your vision for your finances and encourages you to take hold of God’s Word and begin to exercise your FAITH in this area. That’s the responsibility that we all have—to know what...

You Will Overcome!

You may be going through challenges right now—and I know life is not always easy! There are some roads we never wanted to travel. There are some valleys that have been dark, but you will overcome! In this message, Lisa teaches about how you will overcome because of...

Co-Workers with God: II Corinthians 6

We are NOT called ONLY to serve Jesus, but to represent Him wherever we go. We are called to share the Good News with others. In this Bible Study on II Corinthians 6, Lisa teaches what it means to be a co-worker with God, what a godly life looks like, and the dangers...