
The Power of One Thing

We can make our requests known to God in prayer. We cast our burdens on the Lord and allow Him to minister to us. We pour out our praise and gratitude. In this message, Lisa preaches on the ONE THING that will transform your life in every...

To Control Or Not To Control

We want control over our life, our circumstances, our children! But the more we try to control, the more frustrated and discouraged we become BECAUSE usually it doesn’t work! In this sermon, Lisa talks about how we can Ley go of control and trust in the Lord and His...

Silencing the Victim Mentality

You get to choose whether you’re going to live like a Victim or a Victor. As a child of God, you have to know that no one can steal or even alter your purpose, your blessings, your present, or your future! In this message, Lisa talks about...

It Will Go Well With You!

When you serve God, He watches over your life. He protects you. You can’t help but be blessed when you obey Him! In this message, Lisa teaches three main keys to help you in your life. In times of distress, turn your face to Jesus because...

Add Faith to Your Vision

In this message, Lisa encourages you to add faith the the vision that you have! When God puts a dream, a vision, a promise in your heart, it is for an appointed time. When you write your vision down and keep it in front of you, you become...

Four Things Jesus Died To Give You

Jesus died for your benefit! There are things that He died for that belong to you and they are your inheritance from Jesus. He left them for you in His will, which is the Bible and it is full of His wisdom, instruction, and promises...