Overcoming Fear
Did you know that 92% of what you fear never happens. WOW! That is a sobering thought. Don't dare surrender to fear in any area of your life!??In overcoming fear, I encourage you to replace thoughts of worry, anxiety, and fear with prayer. Worry discourages you, but...
Made for More
Today I want to challenge you to be strong and courageous and don't even think about giving up on your dreams or whatever you are praying about. It's easy to fall into discouragement, but discouragement will not benefit you in any way. So let's not get tired of doing...
It’s Just Temporary!
God put this truth strong in my spirit and I want to encourage you today that what you are going through right now is temporary. II Corinthians 4:16-18 exhorts us to look not at the things that are seen—your problems and circumstances—because they are temporary....