How easy it is to become impatient. We tend to want everything right now, but God has a right timing for us, and it may be later. First, there may be obstacles to overcome, or persecution and opposition. But God promises in the Bible, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

That means something may go awry in your life. You may fail a board exam the first time. You may lose a fortune and struggle to earn a living. You may have health challenges.

That doesn’t mean that you cannot fulfill your destiny.

No one or nothing can stop God from fulfilling your destiny.

You are the only one who has the power to stop and give up.

Isn’t that freeing? God is bigger than any mistake, every setback, all opposition.

No matter what has happened in your past, you have not missed your destiny. No person or negative event can stop you from fulfilling your purpose, but it’s up to you to keep going.

The Bible encourages: “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?” Don’t let anyone or any circumstance cut off your pursuit of your destiny or stop you from running your race. Anytime you feel tempted to give up, remind yourself, “I am not going to let anyone or anything stop me. I have a destiny to fulfill. This setback is only temporary. I am God’s masterpiece and he will get me to that finish line.”

That is what God wants us to see, He has a destiny for us, and we only have to reach for it and grab hold of it.

Excerpt from You Are Made For More!, Chapter 2