Look at David, the young shepherd boy who faced a giant that was killing his people, even their hope. David faced Goliath with only five small stones and a slingshot. At least that is what people on the battlefield saw that day. But David had a huge secret weapon that neither the people nor their opponents or Goliath could see. David packed something mightier than a pistol. He possessed confidence in God.
So David killed the giant with just one stone because God could use even a tiny rock when flung with faith. David never would have been able to do that by his own strength and ability. But the shepherd boy’s faith and confidence in God filled him with something more: the promise of God—the ability to win.
God wants to fill you with that same confidence. All you have to do is choose faith in His power.
“But,” you might say, “my giants are pretty big.” Maybe your debts are bigger than your year’s paychecks or maybe you don’t have paychecks right now. Maybe your despair seems deeper than any hope you’ve ever had. What then?
When you don’t know what to do, keep your eyes on the One who does. That’s what unshakable confidence in God looks like. It looks like you fastening your gaze on God. It looks like you going to him in prayer. It looks like you taking heart that God will do what you can’t-whatever that may be!
Excerpt from You Are Made For More!